Viral Infographics For Social Media - Static Online Infographics

To this day we created a bunch of viral infographics for social media, now, which aim to spread their diverse subjects on the web through dozens of channels, from independent blogs to leading social networks. The banners can be divided into several, individual post to create a news feed for some hours or days about one special issue.
With these commercial and non-commercial viral banner-infographics, we developed a framework to tell stories online and split them into parts so one could use them for different social networks like twitter, facebook or pinterest at the same time and benefit from each channel’s advantages. Enjoy!


Zumtobel – the light

A global survey by Zumtobel and Fraunhofer IAO, concerning the quality of light in offices provides important insights for user-centered light planning. Supporting the evaluation, we supplied a range of alternative charts and created a banner graphic equipped with distinct icons for better understanding.

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Made in China

The Plagiarius-Award at the Frankfurt consumer goods fair gave us reason enough to venture a glance at the history and make amazing discoveries: Progress does not exclusively come from the fabulous inventiveness of menkind but it is often just based on simple enhancements on robbed concepts of success. As always, we have unyieldingly researched and compiled the origins of the art of copying products.

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The tone makes the tune

Shrill and loud or gently and melodious? It’s easy for you to hear the differences between an e-guitar solo and a string quartet! But how are various tonal patterns generated? We scrutinized the trumpeting, strumming and piping very closely and refined the DNA of sounds just for you! Take a look closer – and turn up the music…

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Prejudice on SEO

The marketing agency Second Elements specializes in SEO and SEM. In it’s daily business the agency faces a lot of prejudice about their actual work. Spiced up with a good sense of irony, ixtract gave a say to seven different groups, to find out their attitude towards the work of SEOs

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Best brands

Since 2000 the company „Interbrand“ rates international top brands for their current values, considering the individual brand profit and market strength at the same time. In our graphic we compare the performance of the Top-10-brands in recent years at a glance.

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Tears of the sun

Gold the fabulous substance which aroused warfares, ennobled kings and graced gods. But: If one would melt down all golden coatings, dental fillings, pieces of jewellery and bullions of the world and form a sphere out of this liquid, it would not get bigger than the height of a two storied house!

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Market research of

The second-hand car portal is one of the top-3 online marketplaces for used cars in Germany. We helped to explain their market forecast tool they offer for their users and which is one key feature of the whole platform.

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Germany’s Football Stars for Brazil 2014

An exclusive overview of the final nomination of all German football stars for 2014th world cup in Brazil. Giving insights on all players’s statistics about their performance, skills and team history. Take a look!

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Otto – Christmas Delivery

ixtract graphic for about online ordering habits of the German at christmas.

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Drops of Bits

Could you imagine the size of really big amounts of data?
As information doesn‘t usually have any kind of visible size or shape we tried to make a comparison: What would it look like, if you equate one bit of information with one drop of water? Could you imagine the information we created 2013?

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Do you know what you buy?

Just as the presentation of grocery varies in different ways, so you as the consumer, can focus different aspects of your shopping, too: Do you watch the price, the ingredients or the origin of your preferred food products? Can you rely on the given specifications? Have a look at our supermarket trolley.

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Jingle bells – jingle all the way?

Every year we celebrate Christmas – mostly not knowing the origins of these rite. Instead of unlimited harmony, there is a competitive battle under the Christmas tree in Germany! Did you know that Santa Claus has a Chinese brother? Have a look at what happens if rites and traditions have their affairs.

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